His clinical expertise lies in the identification of diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic biomarkers in primary brain tumors.
Dr. Rodriguez earned his M.D. from the University of Missouri. He completed a residency in anatomic pathology and a fellowship in neuropathology at the Mayo Medical School College of Medicine.
His current research focuses on the pathology of pediatric gliomas and the phenotypic characterization of murine models of central nervous system neoplasia.
Dr. Rodriguez has published extensively and is board certified in anatomic pathology and neuropathology.
Felix Sahm, MD, PhD, graduated from University Heidelberg Medical School in 2009 after studying in Heidelberg, Boston, and London. He conducted the research for his MD thesis in the Department of Neurooncology Heidelberg (Prof Wolfgang Wick) in the group of Prof Michael Platten, working on glioma-promoting effects of tryptophan degradation (Opitz, Litzenburger, Sahm et al., Nature 2011). He subsequently started his residency in the Department of Neuropathology led by Prof Andres von Deimling at the University Hospital Heidelberg, being also affiliated with the Clinical Cooperation Unit Neuropathology at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) as postdoc researcher.
In 2016, he was board-certified in Neuropathology, which is an independent discipline in Germany and requires a minimum residency of six years. In parallel, he pursued his Habilitation under the mentorship of Prof Andreas von Deimling. This was completed by being awarded the venia legendi in Clinical Neuropathology by the Medical Faculty Heidelberg in 2017. He currently serves as managing consultant and head of the Division Molecular Neuropathology at the Dept. of Neuropathology Heidelberg, providing molecular testing by targeted panel and RNA sequencing and DNA methylation array for diagnostic routine and several clinical trials with collaboration partners Profs Wolfgang Wick, Michael Platten, and Stefan Pfister. He has contributed to >100 publications in peer reviewed journals. These include his study elucidating that gliomas histologically presenting as oligoastrocytoma can molecularly be assigned to either astrocytoma or oligodendroglioma, the implementation of the first brain tumor-specific hybrid-capture next-generation-sequencing panel, the study establishing the prognostic role of TERT promoter mutations in meningioma, or a proposal for an epigenetic classification of meningioma subgroups. His research focus is molecular pathology of glioma and meningioma, with special interest in identifying novel clinically meaningful.
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